

On August 2nd, my husband and I will celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary. It is hard to believe that it has been that long! It seems like just yesterday we exchanged our vows on a beautiful beach in Maui. Yes, we had a destination wedding! It was one of the most breathtaking moments that I have ever experienced. Unfortunately, only a few family members were able to make the journey with us. Among the attendees were my parents, sister, a grandmother, and my husband’s parents. That’s it! Looking back, I would not have changed one bit of it. Well, maybe I would have opted for a fancier dress; except, I am probably the only one that would have appreciated it. My husband would have seen me as the most beautiful woman in the world if I was wearing a dress made out of toilet paper. We had a lovely ceremony on the beach, and actually saved a huge amount of money getting married the way that we did. It was a simple wedding, yet exquisite.

Even with so few family members in attendance, we still had a little bit of wedding drama. I will never forget my father walking me down the beach ready to give me away, and my mother yelling at the top of her lungs for him to take off his orange baseball cap, classy right? It was not a private beach and we had a few onlookers watching, which actually did not bother me much. After all, most brides like to be the center of attention. It began to rain a bit; however I was reassured that in Hawaii, rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck. Oh, and not to mention that I was slightly late to the ceremony. My husband admits that he was worried I had gotten cold feet.

The real excitement did not take place the day of the wedding. On the night prior, my parents graciously bought everyone a ticket to see an interactive play called Tony and Tina’s wedding. The night was comical. The interactive play set the perfect scene of one of “those” kind of weddings. You know the kind of wedding that is a little bit trashy, but a whole lot of fun. Well, my father also bought my pastor who married us a ticket to the interactive show, and I am positive it was not what he had signed up for. You see, the play was an actual mock wedding and reception in which the audience attended. Although it was tremendously fun, we had pregnant bridesmaids (actors of course) trying to dance a little bit naughty with him. Even though it was just a show, I could tell he was slightly uncomfortable, and the unfortunate performer was mortified when he told her that he was a pastor. My mother drank a little bit too much… in a sense, it was the reception that I never had. The day after our wedding our families said goodbye and left on a plane back to the states, so we thought. As my husband and I spent our first morning as a married couple, we received a knock on our door. Low and behold, it was my family. You see, they boarded a plane back to Colorado, and as they were about 15 minutes into the flight, the airplane cabin filled with smoke and they had to make an emergency landing back in Maui. So the first few days of our honeymoon, was spent with my parents. Looking back, it was the best introduction to my family my husband could have ever received! He was able to see just what he married into, and it was too late to take it back.

I have come to realize that life is a compilation of experiences. We make good memories and bad memories; and there are plenty of ups and downs along the way. Do not ever compare your experiences to anyone else’s. Your life is your journey! Your experiences are yours to own. Learn to accept yourself, your family, your spouse for what they are and who they are. Embrace the uniqueness of you. This type of attitude will bring the right people into your life, and they will stay there for at least another 60 years.

When was the last time that you came across articles, inspirational quotes, or self-help books that talk about gratitude? Within this cyber-age, I am sure that it was not too long ago; and yet, so many of us read over inspirational soul-food like it is just another product we have been inundated with. Often, we live unaware of the impact that these truths might have on our perception if we would embrace them. Gratefulness is simply sincere thankfulness, having gratitude for what has been allotted to you. I would add that gratefulness is finding contentment within life circumstances that you cannot change.
You see, when you learn to be content with what you have, with the hand that you have been dealt, you will find that it is incredibly liberating. It can be a therapeutic experience, when you learn to accept the parts of your life that you have no control over; and, even embrace the unpleasant moments for what it is. Sadly, we are not raised to think this way, and therefore it makes this concept so much more difficult to embrace.
Most children are taught from an early age to want more…more toys, more clothes, more activities, more, more, more…!!! People, we are raising a generation of individuals that believe the more that they have, the happier they will be; hence, never truly being satisfied. A sense of entitlement is not healthy. Moreover, these individuals learn that just as things are a commodity, so are people. When the world does not provide, what these individuals think that it owes them, they find themselves lost, in bemuse, unhappy. Let’s take it a step further, complaining about your job, your kids, your chores…etc are as equally unproductive. Because if things are bad when in fact they are good, then when things really do go bad….your whole world will feel like it is ending.
Life is not about what you have, life is about what you do with what you have. It is about what you learn from this crazy roller-coaster of a world. It is about overcoming adversity, learning to love people unconditionally, leading other people that are lost and hopeless, and being a light within this world! That is what truly inspires, truly lasts. Learn to love what you have, even when you don’t love it. Find things that you like about your job, even if it is not your career goal. Learn from it, you were put there for a reason; and, when that season of you r life is over you will move on, better equipped to handle the next chapter. Maybe it is a sickness that has stolen your gratitude? It is difficult to be grateful when your own body turns against you. Gratitude and contentment go hand in hand. Contentment comes from accepting things that you cannot change. When you learn to accept it for what it is (as long as it is) and move on, you are able to appreciate the little things in life that so many of us take for granted. Even those who are bed ridden, as terrifying as it may be, can appreciate the sun shining through the window, the love of a pet, or family member. Within these things, there is still room for the appreciation of life.
You do not win by what you have…you win by what you know, and not any one or circumstance can take that way. Gratitude will give you peace within your soul. When you have nothing else, you still have your breath! Seek joy! Choose to be happy. Choose to find the blessings within the day (even if it was a horrible day). Acknowledge the situation for what it is, and then do not let it overcome you. Overcome it by the knowledge of what you know. Life is not a box of chocolates….it is hard, and sometimes painful. However, you can choose to see the rainbow in the storm, or just be overcome by the storm.

Ok, I know that I do not keep up on my blog as I should , and I apologize for not being more diligent in my ventures. Today, I want to share with you my journey to health and restoration. Now, before I look back (believe me, after a few days of cleansing the body it is tempting to look back) I have decided to share what I am doing with you, and welcome your accountability.

After a few months of feeling crummy and realizing that something needed to change internally before external results are to follow. I have determined to get serious about my health and well-being.  My goal: to cleanse my body of toxic drudge, and my mind of unwanted clutter. My journey is not mere physical because the truth is whatever you set your mind to needs to align with your inner-worldview. It would make no sense to cleanse the body and neglect the soul.  So I am cleaning it all up. My mind, my body and my soul! I am reminded that though the physical is all that people see, often times it is a deeper internal issue truly needing resolve.

In my case, my body has felt sluggish and tired, and my face is breaking out! I am a 31 year old that knows my face should not have acne.  This is when I concluded that I was going to do a body cleanse. I have chosen to utilize the Candida Cleanse. I figured since the intestines control much of the immune function, I needed to give my intestines a good flush.  Now, I am not doing a radical cleanse such as a liquid diet because I know that I would fail and give up within hours. I am doing what I call a manageable cleanse that is realistic and still powerful enough to impact the body in a positive way.

For those of you that are curious, my cleanse consists of mainly lean meat and vegetables.  Due to the fact that I am trying to rid my body of Candida, I may not have yeast, sugar, fruit (with the exception of one apple a day) peanut butter, most cheeses, or caffeine for 15-30 days. My short term goal is 15 days.  Really, it is a combination of eating healthy and taking a few tonics to flush the bad bacteria out. It is really not that bad, and I consider the regime possible.

Ironically enough, about the same time I began thinking about doing a cleanse, I began a bible study by Priscilla Shirer called One in A Million. The first lesson is about the Israelites leaving Egypt because God had called them out. In the dessert, they were given Manna, bread sent from heaven that would nourish them.  Yet, the Israelites longed for the food of the Egyptians to the point that some wished to go back to Egypt and stay in their bondage. They could not see the manna as being good and nourishing, because it hurt too much to part from what they always knew. The process of change is painful! Not to mention, our inner-self often fights us on what we deep down know our body and soul actually need.

The first few days through my cleanse was absolutely miserable….no
carbs, no sugars, no coffee!!! Quickly I realized that I am addicted to sugar
and caffeine, and the moment my body realized that it was not going to get it,
I started to feel horrible withdrawals including fatigue, irritability, and an extreme
head-ache that kept me company for about a day and a half. The pain of the withdrawal
had me questioning my reason for torturing my body with a cleanse. In fact, it
made me forget my reason altogether!

How often do we find ourselves in circumstances in which we compromise ourselves because we forget our reason?
Probably, more than each of us wants to admit. My point is, though I know that this cleanse is good for my body, the part of me that is addicted to the old behavior yearns to give up and go back to my old ways!  Now the battle is in the mind, for the mind controls the body. I would encourage you not to give up. Whatever your current struggle is, whatever the battle that you are facing is. This too shall pass! I persuade you to write down your reason, and then do not let any circumstance detour your from your reason! As for me, my hurdles are just beginning; however, I know that if I can persevere through this moment, week, then it will get easier, and soon I will begin craving what is good for the body (the same goes for the soul). We teach our body what is good and whatever we indulge in will be our suitor. On that same note, we must renew our mind. For our mind, controls our thoughts, our thoughts control our actions, our actions determine our values, and pave the way of our destiny.

I will keep you posted on how my journey is coming along!

Bad Behavior

Some people no matter how much they try, can never escape their own bad behavior. It is the mother that puts her child to bed an hour early so that she may enjoy a glass of wine in solitude. Or the husband that tells his wife he has to stay late at work, when in fact he plans to join the guys for Monday night football.  Yes, sometimes we make choices that seem innocent enough; however, it is unfortunate when bad decisions lead to terrible mistakes. In my experience people make excuses for their bad behavior without realizing that they are losing self-control and regressing to their deepest degenerate state. The MTV hit show Jersey Shore is a perfect example of exactly what I am talking about! Snooks is a heaping mess and she doesn’t even realize it.  

 Sadly, some people do not need cameras following them around to become worthy of reality television. So in order to protect the not so innocent, I am going to use fake names to share my “Who Does That Anyway” story with you.  At first glance, Sarah seems to be a bright, young, intelligent girl.  She foolishly believes in love at first sight and trusts imprudently. She has looked high and low for a man to fill her void. She desired someone to make her feel loved. So the night that she believed she found the man of her dreams, she unquestioningly went home with him. For three days Sarah lived in romantic bliss. Her newly discovered romance blossomed quickly, and blindly she devalued herself into a sexual object. How could she know that was all she would ever be to him?

Sometimes it is easier to believe a lie than it is the truth. We go about our vicarious ways, hoping yearning, pretending that our investments will become what deep down we desperately want them to be. We deceive ourselves into believing that our actions are validated by our cause. Often, we continue our behaviors even if we are only fooling ourselves. When our hopes are shattered, when our dreams are displaced, when our peace has been shaken, our irrationality becomes anger; then rage. The internal motivator that brought us to the treetops and mountain sides has now become a powerful, destructive, ticking time bomb. Our rage grows into hatred; and, in our humanness we long for revenge. It is so easy for people to give into their desires. Whether their desires are a strong illogical love, or a wicked vengeful emotion, this power within will propel people to create dialectics of balance. We long to right a wrong or as much, wrong a wrong doer hoping to make a situation right. Without regard, we forget that our judgments have no bearing and yet we become the judge. 

A girl broken, in despair, hurt, used, tormented by her own stupidity, finds herself frustrated, in bemuse. She sits alone, and waits by the phone. He does not call. He will not call. She tries his number, and no one answers. She knows that she has been taken advantage of and becomes enraged. Desperation sets in. How could a man do something so horrible? How could he sleep with her and throw her away? Her thoughts provoke the burning inside her. Angrily, she contemplates how she could hurt him as much as he has hurt her. She ponders for hours, the pain so thick inside her. The answer comes, and she finds herself brilliantly plotting his demise. She tells herself her pain will die with the pain that she inflicts, and so she seeks revenge. I could easily tell you how she got revenge, and it is a story for another day; however, that is not the message I want to convey in my blog.

I find it a disappointment to the women genre when forthcoming females give up their quintessential beauty and abdicate themselves to men that do not value their virtue. Our societal disdain has left women as vulnerable pawns, scavenging for love in a loveless world. Is it the unrighteous, putrid, parasite that preys on unruly, untrained, ignorant women? Or is it the foolish woman that knows no shame? Who is to blame? I would like to believe that it is the vulgar mongrel that takes advantage of a female’s low self-worth. However, our societal norms have paved the way for lucrative nonsense. It surprises me still when women brag about casual sex, and one-night flings. These women are proud of their accomplishments; incumbent by their own candor. We used to live in a world that such disdain would be immutable to severe consequence. However, in this current age, female activists encourage women to indulge, use, and throw away men almost as an act of indignation. The simplicity of the matter is that women are not programmed for shallow, meaningless flings. It is not the way in which God created the female mind.  Women are emotional beings that seek love and meaningful relationships. We crave sincere attention, and desire to be adored. Anything less than true love brings emotional degradation; more so, it creates women callused to their own virtue. They are left emotionally depleted with nothing to give to anyone except emptiness. A women that pours her cup out by defiling herself, will find her cup eventually empty. When a man worthy of her affection crosses her path and truly see her beauty, she will be blind to it.

This winter I have consistently battled some sort of illness. I have suffered from head colds, sinus problems, strep throat twice…you name it.  Now, I should be candidate for exceptional health considering that I exercise regularly and try to make healthier food choices. I must admit that I definitely have a sweet tooth, and we all know that sugar causes illness in the body. However, I do not eat enough sugar for that to be the sole culprit behind my bouts of sickness. I have two small children that bring home plenty of germs from school and the daycare at the gym.  However, people are exposed to germs every day in plenty of places and yet some people tend to get sick more than others. Why is that? I believe that the culprit is stress: physical and mental stress in the body will cause illness to the body. Stress weakens your immune system and causes sickness. When the body’s defense is down, sickness is inevitable. 

I must admit, I have had my fair amount of stress over the past year. As my husband finishes up his last semester of school things have become pretty hectic around here. Sometimes I feel that I live in single mom mode juggling laundry, activities, baths, homework, grocery shopping, and meals while still trying to make time for myself. I am sure that many of you know what I am talking about… life is not easy. Throw in financial strain, holiday pressures, lack of sleep, poor eating, and there is your concoction for sickness. Not to mention, most people do not take adequate time to exercise, which is an important aspect of staying healthy and strong. So, as I mentioned… I do exercise regularly and I have still had my fair share of illness. I am sick of being sick!

A few years back, I worked for a Chiropractor that focused on Eating Right, Being Fit, and Thinking Well. Working in a health-minded environment was a blessing because I was given the opportunity to utilize tools that kept my body functioning properly. I must say, I felt healthier and rarely was sick. I regularly took my vitamins, made wise food choices, exercised, and was adjusted regularly by the doctor. You see, emotional stress will cause physical stress on your body. In Chiropractic terms: stress causes vertebral subluxations to your spine. In layman’s terms: stress causes the spinal vertebrae to become misaligned and pinch nerves that are responsible for regulating the bodies’ processes. When your nerves are not functioning properly your body cannot function properly; thus, sickness takes over. Now, I am not a Chiropractor and I can only speak from experience, however, I believe chiropractic care kept me functioning at my best. I know that I need to get back to total wellness. Total wellness means taking care of all aspects of your life and your body. I would encourage you to do your research and see if you could benefit from Chiropractic care. I believe that along with a good diet, exercise, and positive emotional coping skills, chiropractic care could make all of the difference.  I don’t know about you, but I am ready to be at my healthiest!

The Love Epic

Love is one of the few emotions that can be beautiful and terrifying, glorious and heart-wrenching, emotionally stimulating and draining all at the same time.  No wonder so many people seek it out. We want to love, and we yearn to be loved. Many of us stupidly take a hold of anything that feels like love. There are some that desire so deeply to be held and to hold that they may even settle for a mere fabrication, an imposter at the least, just to experience something comparable to love.  Nowadays, love is portrayed through lustful ambitions, stalker-like behavior, and multiple partnerships. It has been translated into sexual power, devalued by irreverent, experiential, and uncommitted acts. People have misconstrued the true meaning of love, and have leaned passionately toward self-gratification.

What has happened to traditional values and protective marital bliss?  The sad truth is that people have become desensitized by dysfunctional relationships, and now perceive dysfunction as rational.  My 86 year old grandmother summed it up best, “Meha, love makes people stupid”. As an old women compelled by lifelong experiential wisdom, she concluded romantic love to be reckless. In no way am I stating that all romantic love is reckless; on the contrary,  romantic love becomes reckless when it is misused.

My grandmother’s story is filled with heart-ache and emotional abuse. She ran away with her sweet-heart at sixteen years old, only to later watch him run away from his responsibilities and his children. By the time she had realized what she had done, it was too late.  She was sucked in by her own irrational behavior and  and stuck with the consequences of it.

I have found that this day and age people do not feel as much pressure to get married.  Love has no rules and no consequence. It has become disingenuous. Most are not concerned with seeking a life-long spouse. Professing love has become merely a mode to self-endulgement.

For example, I know a woman that has been in a long- distance relationship with a man for over three years. Every other week she commutes to see him in Florida where he currently resides. They have nice weekends together where their lives conjoin momentarily.  She is sincere about the fact that they are in a committed loving relationship, and assumes that they will eventually live together.  Nonetheless, when this woman mentions moving to Florida to be closer to him, he immediately counters the proposal with the “I’m not ready” card. So, she continues to commute, slowly furnish his home and hopes that one day his house might be her own. She speaks to him on the phone a few times a day, and then they go their own way back to their own lives, worlds apart.

It is obvious that these two people want completely different things within this relationship. This man is very content in an uncommitted situation. He lives his life on his terms, when he wants, and how he wants it. Sadly, his girlfriend is none the wiser that she is being fooled.  The problem is so many people settle for mediocre relationships founded on the idea of love, rather than love itself.  Many women are so afraid of being single that they would rather “not push commitment” in utter fear of being rejected. In this case, the man wins. He gets his physical and pseudo-emotional needs met, while she holds onto the illusion of love.

The truth is that their version of love is destined to fail  because it is not selfless love. Furthermore, it does not meet the criteria for a healthy functional relationship which is: two people that love one another want to be together long-term. Love is not just about the good times and should never be soley a weekend event. Love does not cheat, it does not belittle, and it does not lie.

 If you have been in a long-term relationship that is not moving forward, then it is moving backward or becoming stagnant. If he tells you that it is time to go home after a weekend visit, then he doesn’t love you. If he tells you that you can’t see him, he doesn’t love you. If he tells you after years of togetherness that he is not ready to move forward  most likely he will never be ready. Quit wasting your time on someone that does not know how to properly and respectfully love someone. This person has become desensitized by their ill behavior and will never be ready to commit to you. If this sounds like you, know that you deserve more that mediocre.

Thirty Is Not Old!

I recently caught an old re-run of one of my favorite television shows, Friends. It was the episode where each of the characters reflected on turning thirty years old. It made me giggle. Is thirty old? Am I really supposed to believe that life is all downhill from here? Is my prime over? The funny thing is, I have not just heard this on television, my family and friends consistently remind me how I am getting up there in age. I don’t know about you, but I feel that my life is just beginning.  At my ripe age, I definitely understand the world differently, maybe in a three-dimensional sort of way.  I have become more self-aware, wiser, and healthier than I have ever felt.  Certainly, I do not feel old. As matter of a fact, exercise keeps me feeling strong and youthful.  My point is, regardless of your age, I would encourage you embrace it and allow it to empower you to accomplish more and understand yourself better. Do not let anyone make you feel that it is too late for you. It is never too late. Whether your dream is to go back to school, start a family, or fit into skinny jeans, you can do it. Age does not mean anything, taking care of what you have (your body, mind, and soul) that is what counts. 

 When I turned 30, I made a list of the most important lessons that I have learned thus far on my journey. Life reflections are essential from time to time because it helps a person grow and stay on track with goals. I reflected on the importance of taking care of my skin, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and emotional balance, and then I wrote down how I was going to achieve it. I made a list of what I wanted for myself, as well as a few life lessons that I have come to embrace along the way. There is an old saying, “You will never know where you are going, if you do not know where you are now”.

I would encourage you to write down your goals. When you write it, see it, say it, it is easier to visualize; and, it is easier to believe it.  Whatever your list looks like, I hope that you choose to make one for yourself.  This is the year to embrace. Make every moment count.

Life reflections from my first 30 years: Good sayings that I have picked up along the way.

  1. You should be the first to admit when you’re wrong, and the last to be boastful when you’re right.
  2. What comes out of your mouth will always give away what’s in your heart.
  3. People are fickle.
  4. Mistakes build character, and I have a lot of character.
  5. Never let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do….if you put too much weight into what others think, they own you.
  6. Always treat others the way you would want them to treat you; even when they don’t treat you that way.
  7. Money isn’t everything.
  8. Love is a choice. Some days it is easier than others.
  9. People can be both cruel and lovely if we only sit with them long enough.
  10. Looks fade…always have a backup plan.
  11. You’ll never change a person’s worldview in one conversation.  I think it is better to try and understand the person that you are talking to.
  12. Never give yourself away, because what you have given you will never get back.
  13. One, Two, Three strikes you’re out.
  14. Life is a mystery, and what I thought I’d figured out, I am now re-evaluating.
  15. From my old country singer “God is Great, Beer is good, and People are Crazy”.

Be Proactive in 2011!

I want to wish everyone a Happy 2011. After all, this is a year to celebrate; yes, we have survived 2010! Like many of you, my 2010 was full of uncontrollable circumstances and uncertainty. Most of the time, I felt like I was treading water and barley managing to keep my head up above the waves. Looking back on 2010, I found that I spent too much of my time in reactive mode. My husband lost his job, now what are we going to do? I’m gaining weight, how am I going to get it off? I can’t deal with my stress and need a drink, what is the big deal? I began to feel hopeless, helpless, and overcome with anxiety.  I found myself trying to figure out why life decided to drag me and my family through mud. I guess the saying is true, when it rains it pours.

Somewhere along the line, I developed a mentality that by the age of 30, a person should be on track to success. Sadly, all I felt within my life was utter regress.  I am a College Graduate, and truly believed that a  little piece of paper was my ticket to security. Life does not always happen the way we want it to, and there are many College Graduates in this Nation that are out of a job.  Anyway, my blog today is not about how the economy has affected my life. This blog is about what has been on my heart for the past week: Getting  proactive in life instead of reactive in circumstance. All of us have moments when we are faced with adversity, sickness, job loss, death, divorce, or financial issues. Those times most definitely feel like the world is trying to break you.  Controlling our perspective is not a new concept; nonetheless, for many of us putting it into practice seems foreign.

Positive Perspective becomes a life line when the waters run deep. Recently, I was reminded of the Bible verse James 1:3 (NIV) which reads, “The testing of your faith develops perseverance.” As I began to reflect, I was reminded that our circumstances have the ability to develop character and strengthen our will. Of course, it depends on whether we allow the circumstance to teach us and grow us. Remember, your mind, your attitude, your words are powerful tools that you have control over. I constantly scold my husband for being a Debbie Downer. He is one of those types that tend to see the glass as half empty. For example, the last time our vehicle broke down he said “Great, I wonder what is going to happen next!” I reminded him with that negative attitude something bad will happen next. Stay positive. This is your first step to being proactive in 2011.Regardless of what happens, you can overcome it, learn from it, and develop from it.

Towards the end of 2010, I began to pay more attention to my coping mechanisms. I hate to admit it, but I am an emotional eater that tends to eat when I am happy, sad, or bored. After gaining unwanted pounds, I found myself freaking out wondering how I was going to get back into shape. After all, for months I wasn’t concerned about my weight, I was worried about how we were going to pay our bills, the weight was just a result of reactive behavior. I got myself back in the gym. Slowly, I realized that my stress level seemed more manageable and I began noticing measurable differences in my waistline.  For once it felt good to feel better. I began a yoga class to do something positive for myself, and I can honestly say that I do not feel the need to reach for that glass of wine when I put my kids to bed. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy a nice glass of merlot on occasion, but not as a crutch! Get proactive about your stress and the crutches  keeping you in reactive mode. Then, make of list of things that you can change in order to be more proactive within your circumstance.

Your list may look like this:

  • 2010: We never have any extra money. 2011: We are going on a Budget.
  • 2010: We have piles of debt!  2011: We are going to use cash for all purchases (except major bills) in order to determine where our extra money turns up.
  • 2010: I cannot deal with my stress. 2011: I am going to face my stress, make positive changes to cope better. I am going to do things that are good for my body, mind and soul. I will get my stress under control before my stress controls me.
  • 2010: I am in a bad relationship. 2011: I realize that I deserve to be happy and I am going to re-evaluate relationships within my life that are unhealthy. I will remove weeds.

Whatever your list turns out to be, I hope that you will follow me as I work to be more proactive within my life. Even if your circumstances do not change right away, you have the ability to perceive your circumstances differently. Small steps, will equate to positive change. The battle begins in your mind.

I encourage you to ask yourself, What do you want this year to look like for you? What does it mean to you? What are you willing to change?

Now, go and get it!

Never Venture Into The Wilderness Without Your Survival Guide.

Tomorrow, we begin a New Year.  Collectively, we embark on a new journey. With this new chapter we move forward with our plans, optimistic and sound.  Nonetheless, that  will be tomorrow. Tonight you may find yourself caught up in the night’s magic only to begin the New Year with a dreaded hangover . I want to give you some helpful guidlines to ward off the effects of too much fun. After all, you don’t want to bring in the New Year miserable.

Tonight enjoy yourself, but remember to think about the morning you.

  • Drink plenty of water! Alcohol dehydrates your body.  Stay hydrated by drinking water in between drinks. This is the best way to ward of the effects of dehydration. Also, drink a large glass of water before bed and when you rise first in the morning.
  • Take an Ibuprofen before you go to bed. Do not ingest anything containing acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is normally processed by your liver without any issue. However, when you introduce alcohol into your system, your liver works to process the alcohol and therefore allows the acetaminophen to remain in your system.  Unfortunately, this could cause liver damage. So, do not reach for the Tylenol.
  • Tonight, eat greasy. Be sure to eat  a fat enriched meal for dinner. Something within the fat enables your body to process the alcohol more efficiently.  The best advice, do not skip your dinner thinking that you will drink away your calories tonight. You may not make it to midnight with that attitude.
  • Eat Eggs for breakfast. Eggs have a component that will actually help your body metabolize alcohol better. I like to throw in some bacon with it too!
  • Drink Sport Drinks in the morning. Get your Gatorade handy.  Gatorade and other sport beverages have electrolytes that will replenish your body and help you recover quicker.
  • STAY AWAY FROM YOUR MORNING CUP OF COFFEE! Coffee is a diuretic and it will only dehydrate you more.  Sure it may give you a perk for an hour or so, but eventually prolong hangover.
  • Drink in moderation, after all you want to remember the evening don’t you?

Hope that you all have a safe and Happy New Year’s Eve!

Today is my little boys Fourth Birthday. I wanted to give him something that he would always have to look back on. Children grow up too fast. We must enjoy every moment that we have with them.  Our role is to teach, train, and equip them to be good citizens within this world and to carry on good morals and values. Remember, our children truely are extensions of ourselves, and it should be our pleasure to love and care for them. Do not take them for granted.

My Birthday

Today is my Birthday, and I am turning Four. You may think of me as little, but I am not a baby anymore. I can say my ABC’s and even velcro my own shoes; and, I bet that you don’t know it yet, but one plus one equals two. Please do not say that I am small. Since last year, I have grown at least 8 more inches tall. Yes I am a big kid now…. I can brush my own hair, and clean my teeth too. I tell you this year, there is much more I can do. Do not let my giggles fool you. I am more sophistimicated than you think me to be. Just because I am not as big as you, does not mean that I am tiny.

Gone are the years of one, two and three… Yes, this year I will take on extra responsamability. So please do not treat me like a baby anymore, let me participate too. Give me a chance to do things; after all, there are things that I need to learn to do. Some days I will be miss matched, and my clothes may be on backwards, there will be days that I won’t say much, and times that I may lose my words. I apologize in advance for falling and scraping my knees. I promise you that I was only trying to do something extraordinary. For now let me be Superman, or even imagine that I have wings. I promise to help you understand the world in all of  its possibilities. Today, I am turning  Four, and I feel so big and tall. Sometimes I forget that you think of me as small.

At the end of the day, after I have made new discoveries, after I have helped in the kitchen, and I have  played make-believe, when I am covered in mud, and I need to be fed, when I need a bath, or I am ready for bed. I will not be one, two, or three.  NO, I will be Four, and I will need you to care for me and cuddle me a little bit more. I will need you to treat me, not big but small, though you know in my heart I feel so big and tall. I will need you to kiss my bumps when I hit my head, and read me stories before I go to bed.  After all mom and dad, I am still just a kid.

This year I promise not to grow up too fast, so let us celebrate and appreciate these moments while they last.  Next year, I will grow big and tall. For now, I have decided to enjoy being small.

Happy Birthday To My Big  Boy!